Arturo Sotomayor
Former CIPR Post-Doctoral Fellow

Arturo C. Sotomayor is Associate Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Security Policy Studies Program at the Elliott School of International Affairs. His areas of interest include civil-military relations in Latin America; UN peacekeeping participation by South American countries; Latin American comparative foreign policy, and nuclear policy in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. His research analyzes the impact of international socialization, militarization, and denuclearization in three areas: 1) military operations other than war (MOOTW); 2) trans-national and border security; and 3) regional non-proliferation strategies. The unifying thread that runs through his research and writing is the interaction between studies on civil-military relations and international security, and research on the conditions and requirements for domestic order and regional stability in Latin America.

He was a post-doctoral fellow at CIPR in 2008.
