Responding to Representation: Trust, Corruption, and Exposure to Women in Government
Please join us for the final speaker in our fall series, Political Accountability and Representation of the Excluded in Latin America: Responding to Representation: Trust, Corruption, and Exposure to Women in Government Dr. Kendall Funk (Arizona State University) November 8, 2021 12 – 1:30 pm Please join us in person in the Greenleaf Conference Room, 100 Jones Hall or Virtually […]
Electoral Heuristic: Evidence from Brazil
Please join us Monday, November 1, 2021 from 12-1:30pm for the 3rd in our fall series: Political Accountability and Representation of the Excluded in Latin America Dr. Peter Johannessen (University of Virginia) will give a talk entitled Electoral Heuristic: Evidence from Brazil This event will be held both in person in the Greenleaf Conference room, 100 Jones Hall […]
“Beyond Beneficiaries: Donors, the Electorate, and the Political Dividends of Public Policies”, a talk by Dr. Natalia Bueno
Please join us October 25 from 12-1:30pm in the Greenleaf Conference room for the second in our fall series: Political Accountability and Representation of the Excluded in Latin America Dr. Natalia Bueno of Emory University will give a talk entitled “Beyond Beneficiaries: Donors, the Electorate, and the Political Dividends of Public Policies” This event will be held in […]
Does Political Representation Increase Participation? Evidence from Party Candidate Lotteries in Mexico, by Dr. Mathias Poertner
Please join us for the first in our fall series: Political Accountability and Representation of the Excluded in Latin America Monday, September 20th at noon. Does Political Representation Increase Participation? Evidence from Party Candidate Lotteries in Mexico, by Dr. Mathias Poertner Register here: https://tulane.zoom.us/j/98423344366?pwd=K3E2c2RqemN4ZGQveGNJRUNXeXY4UT09#success