Latin America: Between Governability Crises and an Impeachment Trap?
Dr. John Polga-Hecimovich (U.S. Naval Academy) Impeachment has become more prevalent across Latin America in recent years. This project maps the evolution and use of impeachment as a legislative tool, surveys the prevalence of impeachment trials and presidential interruptions in the region, and shows how the use of impeachment has increased significantly—but only within a […]
Fall 2023 Series: Violence, Inequality and Democracy in the Americas
The 2023–24 Center for Inter-American Policy & Research Speaker Series, Violence, Inequality and Democracy in the Americas, explores challenges to democratic politics and effective governance in the region. Speakers will present cutting-edge research on the politics of criminal violence and civil conflict, protest movements, militarization, and democratic backsliding in diverse countries of Latin America. The […]