Please join us next Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 12pm
Agents of Incorporation: Social Movements, Unions and the Left Parties in Bolivia and Uruguay
Dr. Fernando Rosenblatt
Universidad Diego Portales • Santiago, Chile
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The left turn in Latin America expanded the rights of the popular sectors and extended rights to segments of the population that had not been politically incorporated before. The Movimiento al Socialismo in Bolivia and the Frente Amplio in Uruguay became central agents of this second incorporation. Dr. Rosenblatt will talk about how both parties developed two different forms of movement-party relationship that result from the interplay of historical factors traceable to the parties’ formative phases and party organizational attributes. In both cases, party organizational features serve as crucial mechanisms of mass political incorporation that led to grassroots empowerment in expanding political arenas. The talk will cover how leaders’ policy positions can be constrained or influenced, and how a party organization gives significant voice to and institutionalizes the demands of the popular sectors.